Whither Now Brother?

Whither Now Brother? is a novel in ten stories. Together, the stories form a single narrative about a young guy who travels the world in search of his direction in life. Along the way, fate ambushes him with a sequence of bizarre adventures, each one in a new location and each with an off-beat cast of characters.

Sometimes thriller, sometimes black comedy, sometimes boy’s own adventure, Whither Now Brother? is a cruise full of oddballs and ruffnecks, prize-fighters, crooked cops, red Indians, drunken sailors, kidnappers and all kinds of monkey-business.

Adding a unique twist to this smorgasbord of action, plot and human singularity, food plays a part in each story, as in The Brazilian Affair where a left-over bean stew turns out to be evidence of marital infidelity. 

These quirky reminiscences are told with a laid-back humour and fluid simplicity that carry the reader through the curls and coils of some tantalising plots and hilarious situations

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